Horizon Healthcare Institute's (HHI) mission is to produce knowledgeable, nurturing graduates in an environment that is conducive to learning. Our educators have spent countless hours perfecting our programs so that you may excel. We genuinely have a vested interest in helping you achieve your career goals, so much so that we have implemented a process that only requires that you apply yourself in any one of our programs. With the simple act of applying yourself and taking the necessary steps that we outline, we know that you will certainly obtain your certification and / or licensure – Trust the process.
At Horizon Healthcare Institute, once you are enrolled, you become a forever part of the Horizon family - family empowers one another. If you are serious about embarking on a new career, we invite you to contact the campus nearest you to learn how you can join an upcoming class and become part of our Horizon family. Our programs are on-going, and the class sizes are kept small to allow us a better opportunity to help you achieve your goals.
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